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Brush Strokes Created
2004以來羅卓睿老師指導下的 作品數量
Numbers of Paintings Being Made in Classes
- All Classes are in Cantonese &/or English
Part Time 形式之繪畫課程, 以班制個別指導式上課, 每個時段人數為1:1人,導師按個別學員選修科目而安排教材,亦可彈性選修你喜好之課題.
導師羅卓睿美術作品請看 | More info about Michael Andrew Law:
出版著作包括 20本 Michael Andrew Law 彩色畫集 ,及 6本 單色繪畫/素描教材 ,亦曾出版DVD /Blu-Ray 光碟10 Minutes Art School ,及My life,My Story, 從事多年國際級視覺藝術教學的Michael Andrew Law學生遍及各年齡,國籍及職業, 兩年內在Michael Andrew 指導的 學生作品集課程 中成功進身國際學院的學生達百人 ,Michael Andrew的理念為將複雜簡單化 ,旨在運用短時間以資訊及技巧使學員達成[自已在家也做到, 並定期開辦藝術職業進修講座, 教授學員Market自已的作品及技能 ,開展自己的藝術事業.
出版著作包括 20本 Michael Andrew Law 彩色畫集 ,及 6本 單色繪畫/素描教材 ,亦曾出版DVD /Blu-Ray 光碟10 Minutes Art School ,及My life,My Story, 從事多年國際級視覺藝術教學的Michael Andrew Law學生遍及各年齡,國籍及職業, 兩年內在Michael Andrew 指導的 學生作品集課程 中成功進身國際學院的學生達百人 ,Michael Andrew的理念為將複雜簡單化 ,旨在運用短時間以資訊及技巧使學員達成[自已在家也做到, 並定期開辦藝術職業進修講座, 教授學員Market自已的作品及技能 ,開展自己的藝術事業.
與其他本地畫室的分別 :
- 首先, 為了應付高昂的店舖租金, 大部分香港的畫室提供的畫班課程或者指導也是屬於一位老師應對多位學生之大班教授模式,明顯地未能向每一位學生提供足夠關注和專門指導, 我親自教授的藝術功課輔導提供一對一的授課方式進行。
- 另外大部分畫室基於同樣(租金和成本)的理由, 亦必須盡量延長開辦課程的時數盡量遷就不同時間需要的學生, 導致坊間大部分全職兼職甚至是自我經營的老師在根本上已經把教學的意志消磨殆盡, 尤其大部分受聘的自僱人士或者合約藝術導師也是按實際舉行的課堂次數或者扣除租金及開支之後根據學生人數拆帳, 與老師實際的分帳往往不成正比, 這種模式根本難以聘請高質的老師,另外亦由於藝術業界其實一直缺乏明確的標準去分別藝術老師的好與壞, 亦間接使大部分坊間藝術導師缺乏自我進修的誘因.
- 我不相信” 多啲嚟密啲手 ” 這個教學模式, 所以我舉辦的興趣班時段每星期只辦三個上午, 三個下午和一個晚上, 以外的就只接受私人教授的預約.
- 幾乎大部分坊間的畫室導師也是按照約定俗成的方法教授, 現在市面大部分畫室的老師最能夠熟練就只有幾種的繪畫方法, ( 備註:一就是東歐歐洲的寫實主義其中一種從俄羅斯傳到中國大陸的一個分支, 就是俄羅斯現實主義繪畫, 第二就是從印象派或者高更的狂熱份子模仿下來的現代藝術繪畫, 這些門派存在一個很嚴重的問題, 就是他們的繪畫方法只能夠局限在19世紀中期二後直至20世紀40年代之前).
- 上述這種老師對古典繪畫缺乏深刻的認識, 同時也基於上述原因, 引致市面上大部分的畫室導師 對21世紀當今世界各地不同前衛或者當代藝術繪畫的方法也沒辦法掌握, 當學生希望老師教授老師自己熟悉的繪畫技巧以外的時候, 市場上大部分老師就只好歸咎於學生的素描功底不好, 然後就推銷素描班或者基礎班.
- 1. 我的學習基礎是基於我曾學習於紐約畫家兼修復師傅Dan Anderson, 曾經花了五年時間研究古典繪畫的製作方法, 理解了各種顏料媒介和溶劑的特性, 例如我能夠用歷史上證明最接近達文西繪畫的方法教你臨摹達文西的作品, 我能夠用已知最接近林布蘭繪畫的方法去教你臨摹林布蘭的作品, 甚至教授你用這些大師的製作方法去繪畫你自己想繪畫的東西, 一理通百理明, 亦由於我對材料的了解, 我亦可以用最接近印象派時期他們使用的製作方法教導你創作可以幾可亂真的印象派畫效果的藝術品.
- 2. 另外除了古典繪畫的歷史, 我也十分熱衷於研究當代藝術的精髓, 並出版了十多本關於當代藝術的文字著作, 也定期舉辦當代藝術的鑑賞講座與及網台節目, 自己也是當代藝術的收藏者, 本人畫廊藏品包括Banksy, George Condo, Christopher Wool, Nara Yoshitomo (奈良美智), Takashi Murakami (村上隆), KAWS等等, 掌握現今藝術的潮流, 跟隨我學習明顯地可以提升你的藝術品味和眼界.
- 3. 同時也創辦了藝術雜誌 LawManArt.com 訪問了不同現今最成功的當代藝術家與藝術企業家, 令我我掌握了當今最前衛的手作或者數碼繪畫藝術方法與創作理念.
- 4. 本人為倫敦 Elliot James& Tyndal 當代藝術公司, 法國 Singulart 畫廊和美國 Cutie Showroom 畫廊 代理畫家,並經營自家品牌Gallery Michael Andrew Law亦為十多位藝術家的作品代理銷售與委託,過去近二十年我的百份百收入均藉作品出售,畫冊出版和藝術展覽相關的生意獲得,深諳以藝術作為事業生存的方法。
- 5·我相信知識和技巧的傳遞,同時我亦相信藝術是自由的,也相信和你的溝通和理解你的目標才是首要任務,我硏究藝術歷史十五年多,學到的就是創作方法是萬變的,和你一起找到最適合你的創作方法,令你享受藝術帶來的快樂就是我教學的最大目標。
Michael Andrew Law (born Law Cheuk-Yui in British Hong Kong, 1982) creates what renowned art dealer Douwe Cramer calls, “Hyper Pop Surrealist paintings.” Law studied painting with Sam Tsang of the Central Academy of Art in Beijing and with New York native classical painter Dan Anderson at his Hong Kong studio. Law co-founded the Hong Kong Art Studio Nature Art Workshop. The organization functions as a supportive environment for the fostering of emerging Hong Kong artists in addition to producing and marketing Law’s related work. As a curator, Law has organized an exhibition of contemporary art that shares a range of responses to Hong Kong’s Gen Y pop culture.
At this point, Law has created over 12,000 works. There are three dozen popular artist books published of Law’s pieces. He has also written essays on contemporary art and films. Aside from his usual studio work, Michael Andrew Law has led seminars and artist talks on classical art, modern art, contemporary art, art in general and motivational or artist’s career related subjects. He also teaches workshops of classical and contemporary art for schools, organizations, and corporations alike for education and entertainment purposes. As a side project, since early 2010s, Michael Andrew Law has been researching and studying contemporary art by interviewing established contemporary art artists such as the legendary Anish Kapoor, David Zwirner, Mickalene Thomas, David Salle, and Michael Borremans among others in person, which he has documented in his own art magazine at LawManArt.com, People on Art Magazine. The artist lives and works in Hong Kong.
At this point, Law has created over 12,000 works. There are three dozen popular artist books published of Law’s pieces. He has also written essays on contemporary art and films. Aside from his usual studio work, Michael Andrew Law has led seminars and artist talks on classical art, modern art, contemporary art, art in general and motivational or artist’s career related subjects. He also teaches workshops of classical and contemporary art for schools, organizations, and corporations alike for education and entertainment purposes. As a side project, since early 2010s, Michael Andrew Law has been researching and studying contemporary art by interviewing established contemporary art artists such as the legendary Anish Kapoor, David Zwirner, Mickalene Thomas, David Salle, and Michael Borremans among others in person, which he has documented in his own art magazine at LawManArt.com, People on Art Magazine. The artist lives and works in Hong Kong.
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